

Nowadays, Internet is a big part of people lives, specially teenagers'. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, (and Blogspot of course!)... However old you are, you've certainly heard these names and visited at least once all these sites. Obviously, these social networks help you staying in touch with your friends, discovering new artists and staying updated with information of those you already love. But there is one thing all these sites allow you I haven't mentioned yet: meeting new people
Remember when your parents told you "don't talk to strangers on the internet"? Haha, bullshit. You did it anyway. What a thug life! Sometimes you bump into people you'll only talk to a few times but sometimes, you meet people you consider as real friends and distance only becomes an easy obstacle to cross. 
In my case, I met a few people in both categories but in the second one, there are particularly two people I think of and last week I saw one of them for the second time. Indeed, Maëlle (it's a French name haha) came over for a few days and I decided to share a little part of our week with you.

We took these photos in a photo booth the day she left. We took six and could only choose two so it was hard to pick out those we liked the most but actually I think both of them are great. 
The same day, we also went shopping, and I bought some cute things I'll probably show you soon (at the end of the summer!). We had lunch in a restaurant and I ordered fish n'chips (with rice instead of chips odd isn't it?). It was quite tasty even if I didn't liked the salad because I hate salad sauce more than anything! For dessert, I had a crepe, I didn't take any photograph of it because it wasn't particularly pretty so I thought it was useless to post it haha. Instead, I show you my mom's best friend's dessert which is a coffee with creme brulee, vanilla ice cream and madeleines. It's pretty, colourful, and seemed to taste good. 

The day before, I showed her the "town" I live in (i don't really know if it's considered as a town it's kinda small haha) and we hung Ed Sheeran's posters everywhere so people get to know him. I don't think it worked though since most of them were ripped off...However, it was great to share my love for this guy with the few people who saw it. Of course, while doing it, we were listenning to his new album X (I'll write a post about it as soon as possible). We actually spent the week listening to his and Nina Nesbitt's albums and even now that she left I can't stop playing them. The third photo was taken the same day. After finishing to hang all the posters we had, we went to a little park and there is Maëlle doing weird stuff while she's sat in the swing. 
Finally, the last photo was taken the last day. Indeed, while waiting in the train station, we saw this poster of the TFIOS movie which hasn't come out in France yet. (I wrote about the book and you can read it right here!) It was not something really important but I didn't expect to see Shailene and Ansel's cute faces so why not sharing them with you? haha 

Maëlle stayed 4 days so I only showed a little part of the time we spent together. Quite a long part of what I didn't show is related to One Direction and Nina and Ed's relationship so I SWEAR it's okay if I don't talk about it haha. 
Anyway, I'll see her again in February...AND THE SAME DAY I'LL SEE ED FUCKING SHEERAN DO YOU HEAR ME CRYING?....


Oh, and now I know all 5sos members' faces and names omg aren't you proud of me?
Because I am.


PS: If you're having a bad day, click here, close your eyes, and listen. ;)

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  1. beautiful pictures<3


  2. looks like you had a lovely time!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

    ps. you can win a cute Dahlia coat worth £80 in my little giveaway, click here!

    1. we did! Thanks for your comment, means a lot. :) xx

  3. Thank you sooooooo much. I love yours too! :) Xx
